On the end of school, going to college, and some other thoughts

I was prophetic in saying many years ago that authors tend to forget about blogs that they write with no concrete intention in mind. This very blog is only updated in fits and starts, when I remember such a thing existed on some occasion. I think I have come to an important junction in my life and one that deserves to be written out about here.

School ended last month. It was a place I found myself secure in. I am currently in that liminal space, where I think we all find ourselves in between big phases in our lives, pondering over big questions, wondering what to make of our lives and what we have made of it already. It's frightening, energising, and enlivening all at once. I have so many things in mind right now—I'm spoilt for choice. I had decided long ago the things I should do once I become an adult—learn to drive, start going to the gym, seek a guru in music.

I'm also deciding what to study in college at the moment. I have two broad ideas in mind; one involves a purely academic life where I will do what satisfies me internally, and the other is a more practical one where I have the potential to serve society. Something tells me to lean towards the latter.

Once again, I pray I will write this blog regularly and that there will be things worth writing about! Schoolwork, school projects, and exam prep were the only productive things I have done over the past two years. Most of my other waking hours were spent on Discord, reading things on the Internet or learning absolutely useless things. I hope that will change from now on.

The past few months have been extremely difficult for me, but the fog is clearing. As Reinhold Niebuhr once said,

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Aravind Suresh. 


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